OAR Announces Expanded Platform Certification of Deos+RTEMS RTOS Conformance to FACE™ Technical Standard, Edition 3.0 Safety Base and Security Profiles

Huntsville, AL. December 23, 2020. OAR Corporation is proud to announce that they, with partner DDC-I, received an extended Future Airborne Capability Environment (FACE) Conformance Certificate for the Deos+RTEMS real-time operating system (RTOS) product. DDC-I’s ARINC 653 DO-178C certifiable RTOS called Deos, integrated with OAR’s para-virtualized implementation of the Real Time Executive for Multiprocessor Systems (RTEMS), is now certified on three different platforms (PowerPC, ARM, and x86). This expands the previous certification for PowerPC and covers the FACE™ Technical Standard, Edition 3.0 Safety Base and Security Profiles for the Operating System Segment (OSS). RTEMS is a mature, deterministic, open systems, hard real-time POSIX operating system. OAR’s para-virtualized implementation of RTEMS runs in a secure Deos partition, providing POSIX interfaces and scheduling. Deos provides ARINC 653 APEX interfaces and multicore scheduling. The integrated platform combines the strengths and pedigree of both ARINC 653 and POSIX RTOSs, providing the industry standard interfaces and feature set required for conformance with the FACE Technical Standard Safety Base and Security and Operating System Profiles, all in a time and space partitioned, hard-real-time, multicore execution model.
The FACE Consortium is a government and industry partnership committed to providing a framework for software portability that reduces cost and speeds time to market by fostering standard, open interfaces that enhance portability, interoperability, and reuse. For more information about the Consortium, refer to www.opengroup.org/face.
About OAR
OAR is a small business that started over 42 years ago in Huntsville. We specialize in embedded/mission systems architecture, design, and development; model-based systems engineering (MBSE), operating systems, modular open-system architecture (MOSA), FACE, etc. We have experts in PEO Aviation on key committees defining the future of architecture (methods, tools, process, policy), and serving on the SysML 2.0 (international MBSE modeling language standard) Technical Team. We have a SME serving on the Army’s Future Ground Vehicle Reference Architecture team (CCDC GVSC). Many of our SMEs represent the Army on the FACE Consortium, and one of our SMEs represents the Army on the FACE Verification Authority (VA). RTEMS, developed by OAR, is used worldwide and currently embedded in the Mars Perseverance Rover, Curiosity Rover, NASA’s Solar Probe, the Juno Probe, Gemini telescope, many currently active satellites, and even the BMW Superbike!
Our key customers include Army (PEO Aviation, CCDC GVSC, CCDC AvMC, PM UAS, PM AMSA, ASA(ALT), IAMD/CMDS, CCDC GVSC, CCDC C5ISR, PM UH, PM JAMS), Missile Defense Agency (MDA), NASA (Marshall, Goddard, Jet Propulsion Lab, Applied Physics Lab), and European Space Agency (ESA).
For more information regarding OAR’s support and services related to RTEMS, contact us at www.oarcorp.com or www.rtems.com.